Seymen Kılıç

Frontend Developer

A Self-taught developer based on Turkey. Loves to build a simpler web via React/Nextjs and his glasses are cool.


Tech Stack

Featured Projects

Portfolio V2

Portfolio V2

13 Jan 2023

This is my second and current portfolio website. You can view my github stats on dashboard page and track my currently playing song on spotify if you check out footer! Tech stack are given below.

# Chakra UI
# Nextjs
# Typescript
AnimeDB App

AnimeDB App

08 Jan 2023

This App allows you to search for anime shows and it's details. If you have favorite one you can add it to your list! I've used Redux-Toolkit for state management. It is built with the tech that are given below.

# React
# Redux
# RTK-Query
# TailwindCSS
Poster App - Full Stack

Poster App - Full Stack

06 Dec 2022

A full stack web app that allows users to register, login, create and share posts. Users can also like and comment on other users' posts. Backend is built with Node.js and auth is handled with JWT.

# React
# GraphQL
# MongoDB
# Express
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